Weekly yoga with a strengthening aim on Zoom
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 to 8:15am Pacific
6 week subscription, $300-200, sliding scale
Join class: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/97932637709
Yoga practice with a strengthening aim. Limited size to allow custom sequencing of each session to suit the group. Seasonal 6 week subscription, meeting twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Tips for yoga practice over Zoom
Set up before the session
Take a few minutes before the session to work out the position of your camera so that you can focus on your inner experience once we begin.
Camera angle & distance
Most people are working with one device as both camera and screen, which means choosing to have it closer so that you can see me well, or farther so that I can see you well. You are welcome to choose for yourself, ask my opinion about what suits our situation best, or try multiple devices, described below.
If we choose to prioritize my ability to see you and your alignment well, your camera ideally faces the center of the long side of your mat with both your whole mat and head visible. Be creative about what spaces in your home might allow for enough distance between your mat and camera to make this happen – you need about 8-10 feet for full visibility.
No backgrounds or filters for movement sessions, please
These limit my ability to see you.
Think contrasts
It is easier for me to see you if your clothing contrasts with your mat and the space around you. You will usually find me wearing black so that I am easy for you to see against the white walls and pale mats in my studio.
Zoom settings
You will probably want to go Full Screen and Pin me to keep me steadily visible. Feel welcome to ask for help if you haven't worked with these Zoom settings before.
Earbuds make it easier to hear my voice.
Multiple devices
Zoom will let you sign in from one laptop, one phone, and one tablet at once from your account (if you join with a second of any of those items, it will disconnect the first — you can’t use two phones, for example).
You might take advantage of this by setting up one device facing the center of the long side of your mat to give me a solid view of your form and a second device on a chair past the head of your mat so that you can see me easily.
I'm happy to talk through possibilities presented by your own unique situation!