Kristie Dahlia Home

We Are Beloved

A free weekly newsletter & meditation gathering

Our weekly meditation meets on Zoom
on Tuesday from 8 - 8:55am Pacific
We will not meet on 12/24 and 12/31/24
Given freely — donations warmly welcome
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We will take sacred rest for the end of the year on 12/24 and 12/31.

Weekly Meditation Gathering

A gentle, guided drop-in session open to all. This gathering explores a wide range of practices — each session is created to suit the moment and those present. The way we practice sees meditation as an innate human capacity, recognizing that our minds are made for curiosity and wonder, and making space to fall naturally into states of contemplation, rest, and reverie for integration and creation. This practice is amenable to busy minds and is trauma-aware: choice, grounding, exploration of somatic experience, and thoughtful self-regulation are steady threads.

This event is given freely; your choice to donate supports my ability to share teaching in widely-accessible formats. Thank you!

Weekly Newsletter

The rear of a truck set up for camping with an awning and a light, a cooler behind it, and huge trees in a very dark forest.

It Is Joy By Which

Jul 9, 2024 — I needed this now, this affirmation that we deserve joy, that delight is resistance, that these things are not only of-light; in fact Ross speaks of how "delight" means both of-light and without-light, how joy and sorrow interleave for him like light and shadow.

a peony blossom and buds and a stalk of foxglove against a wooden table

The Universe is Not Locally Real

Jun 25, 2024 — Little gives me as much hope and comfort as the certainty that we do not know what all this existence is. We do seem to have proved (like Nobel-prize-winning proved) that the universe is not locally real. This gives me hope: so much is possible.

A lush pine-heavy forest and dramatic, cloudy skies.

Now, Being, Love

Jun 18, 2024 — For me, the rational and the spiritual meet at their deepest point, with deeply entangled roots.

a bouquet of flowers on a rough wooden table. ranunculus in the foreground.

Gone to Lavender and Peach

Jun 12, 2024 — The longer I take to write this, the more the golden reflection of sunset illuminates the clouds behind the house, toward the sea.

Dahlia, smiling, while wearing a hard hat and mask and holding a pole saw.

Your Shadow and Your Shine

Jun 4, 2024 — There is space in this work for all that you are. You are welcome in the wholeness of your being, your shadow and your shine. I've designed this next course carefully to nestle kindly amongst the glorious chaos that is summer, and I'd love to share it with you.

closeup shot of a racoon's face with a cedar branch draped over their forehead

Lovingkindness as the Ground of Being

May 29, 2024 — When we practice lovingkindness consistently, unconditional love becomes inherent in all of our being. Love suffuses everything, including our wounds, flaws, and weaknesses, the present moment, our sense of the future; it colors everything with the gentleness and astonishing strength of love.

A grove of trees with stones and plants and a shell path winding through

Sprawling Through Time

May 7, 2024 — Perhaps the thing I love most about this path is that it will take years to complete. It will be imperfect and partial, an intention in progress, for a long, long time.

Dahlia with her hair down, smiling

Dahlia in SF May 11 & 13

May 2, 2024 — I'll be offering private sessions in SF Saturday May 11 & Monday May 13. Connecting in person is such a precious experience; I'd love to get my hands and knees on you, meditate with you, or sit and talk about where things are at with your life.

Tulips in wide blossom just before they drop their petals

To Kiss the Rice

Apr 25, 2024 — As I walked outside and saw the fresh green shoots rising from earth and from branches, I wondered: what if I think of that rising green as love? What if it IS? The green creatures surely adore the springtime; how good must it be to flower and leaf after winter?

blue sky ringed by clouds, clouds ringed by trees

The Fire is Love

Apr 19, 2024 — ...someone else said, "Oh my God, I literally might not need therapy ever again if I just do this everyday!!" We are fire, friends, and all the fire is love.

A forest, lush with mosses, lichens, ferns, evergreens, and fresh budding leaves.

New Offerings for Spring

Apr 11, 2024 — The flowering trees are in blossom in places where they have been planted. I'm eagerly awaiting the blossom of the little lilac beside my temple door. In this spirit of spring blossom I have several new events to share with you.

A basket full of vibrant nettles in the foreground; a pair of books open behind them.

A Fresh Lens on Anger

Apr 3, 2024 — I've long known that anger is a response to wounding, an energy that arises in response to hurt. The thing somehow struck me anew seems like it must be commonly known and yet it feels so surprising to me right now: the goal of anger is safety.

full moon among the clouds

To Give and Give Again

Mar 28, 2024 — "That is the fundamental nature of gifts: they move, and their value increases with their passage. The fields made a gift of berries to us and we made a gift of them to our father. The more something is shared, the greater its value becomes." This passage came to life for me this week.

a tree whose branches are heavy with blossoms

Belonging to Spring

Mar 19, 2024 — Suddenly, in the corner of my eye I caught a hummingbird sitting perfectly still on the nectar feeder just 3 feet to my left. I wondered a moment and then realized that they, too, were watching the dawn.

Bald eagle in flight

Eagle Season

Mar 12, 2024 — Building a bridge from the sudden, cultural change of the light-and-darkness to the slower, cosmic change of the light-and-darkness can bring a hint of gentleness and sacredness to this transitional week.