Kristie Dahlia Home

We Are Beloved

A free weekly newsletter & meditation gathering

Our weekly mediation meets on Zoom
on Tuesday from 8 - 8:55am Pacific
Given freely — donations warmly welcome
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Weekly Meditation Gathering

A gentle, guided drop-in session open to all. This gathering explores a wide range of practices — each session is created to suit the moment and those present. The way we practice sees meditation as an innate human capacity, recognizing that our minds are made for curiosity and wonder, and making space to fall naturally into states of contemplation, rest, and reverie for integration and creation. This practice is amenable to busy minds and is trauma-aware: choice, grounding, exploration of somatic experience, and thoughtful self-regulation are steady threads.

This event is given freely; your choice to donate supports my ability to share teaching in widely-accessible formats. Thank you!

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