
Energetic Integrity
13 weeks with Dahlia in community and practice of the Field of Being meditation

Love In Action
Our autumn course is going to be juicy, exploring what it looks like to put love into action: how shifting from a conditional to an unconditional model of love empowers us to approach life with friendly curiosity, identify core needs for ourselves and others, and express needs and boundaries.

An exploration of what it can look like to live in the practice of lovingkindness. Initially, it helps us ground into curiosity and compassion. When well-established, it can become a profound, radical source of peace, understanding, clarity, and a strength which is both gentle and ferocious.

I have, as the decades of my teaching have passed, honed my experience and my offerings ever more toward love, and this is what I wish to share here with you this spring: the cultivation of lovingkindness.

Reclaiming Your Attention
Support for adjusting the flow of energy and time through your life, particularly in reclaiming your attention from screens.

A refuge, a respite, a daydream. Renewal and relaxation. An introduction or re-introduction to meditation for new and seasoned practitioners.