A monarch butterfly chrysalis


A Gentle Heart Container for the Autumn Season

A course from Halloween through the Winter Solstice
Oct 26 – Dec 21, 2023

From Halloween through the Winter Solstice, the season of gathering and of hunkering down, this course aims to be easeful and nourishing, like a pocket universe filled with refreshment for your heart: refuge, community, holding, clarity, hopefulness.

Kristie Dahlia Home has been teaching mindfulness, instinctive meditation, and yogic movement for nearly 30 years.

About Dahlia

A while ago, I asked, “What are you most interested in studying with me now?” and Tara Samiy’s response nestled into the soil of my being like a seed:

What comes to me now is support around trusting in oneself, grounding practices (as I write this, I'm aware that I'm fully versed in “grounding practices”, so it's more about the community, the holding, the support). Listening to my heart, my truth, expanding my capacity to experience joy, clarity, hopefulness.

Then, during a private session, Kate Flynn said that what she wanted from ongoing work from me was to fill a certain niche in her life; that she had lots of support generally and what she hoped for from me now was “witchy godmother energy.”

That rung me like a bell. YES.

These are the intentions I bring to the resumption of the Home Meditation Course.

In the life of the earth, this course will sprawl through the cooling and darkening days of the year for folks in the Northern Hemisphere. In human culture, this season holds both spells of quiet at home and bustling interludes of celebration. I aim for this course to be easeful and nourishing, like a pocket universe filled with refreshment for your heart: community, holding, clarity, hopefulness. Ahhhh.


From Halloween through the Winter Solstice. Thursday October 26 -  Thursday December 21. From the full Hunter’s Moon through the first quarter of the Cold Moon. During the darkening days, the lingering-at-the-hearth nights. The season of gathering and of hunkering down.


It’s often hard to imagine what the experience of a course will be like; I’m going to offer you two descriptions here, first in a narrative format, and then a list, in hopes of best results. Drop me a line with questions! I’ll be delighted to discuss with you.

To honor the season, the core experience is sweet and simple, focused on resourcing you. Additional possibilities for enrichment and delight nestle throughout, entirely optional. The three main threads of this course will be my teaching, your own inner practice, and the sweetness of being enmeshed in community. I will offer guidance for your inner practice through both guided meditation recordings and written teaching.

Each week, a 20 minute guided practice, shared by recording and yours to keep, will create a sense of delicious refuge; a chrysalis for the heart. I’m really bringing the witchy godmother vibes for this: breathwork, spiritual allies, and energetic healing for lush inner resourcing and powerful clarification. The recordings will be a connected set of experiences which build slowly through our time together, so that what you work with is both consistent and also growing as the weeks pass.

Inspiration for simple, powerful ritual actions to nurture a sense of the sacred will come weekly, available for you to read or listen to as you prefer. There are so many doorways to expanded reality in this season of holy days, but access to the meaningful and mystical can be lost in bustle and hurry. Let’s hold dear together  the glory and mystery of living.

Sharing Circles create community, so this is the one component I will encourage you strongly to participate in! Showing up is how we build relationships, learning and yearning and growing together. We do this in writing so that you can participate at whatever time suits you best. For those who have participated in prior courses: we’ll be moving from email to Google docs for this in order to streamline the process and flow of attention. Each week I’ll open a doc for your pod with an invitation-suggestion about sharing on Thursday. You’ll have until Monday to add your share, and you can read them all there when it feels right for you!We’ll be sharing in pods of probably 6-8 people; precise numbers will depend on the number of us there are. If you are joining the course with folks you know and wish to share or not share a pod, please let me know when you register. Sometimes a pair of besties want to share a pod. Sometimes you invite your mom to share the experience, but not your pod. I’m here for you; just reach out.There are also several different ways that you can connect through the wonders of satellites if that calls to you! Zoom offerings, all optional, include a pair of live Full Moon Circles for conversation, Soft Animal yoga sessions on Saturdays, a ritual and meditation on the morning of the Winter Solstice, and Reading Circle.

Chrysalis course components




Sliding Scale of $375-525. Some scholarships are available; please reach out to discuss.Payment over the span of the course is possible.Payment by Paypal to dahlia@beloved.org or Venmo to @kristiedahlia


"I go to Dahlia when I need my priorities aligned correctly. Her work is deeply cosmic, mind blowingly kind, and profoundly loving. She will love you so deeply that it makes you love yourself more.” - Lizzy Wilmarth
"The kindness and love you put out so consistently, and the acceptance of where we all might be - it is consistently remarkable and I feel it deeply and it gives me something beautiful to strive towards." - Jessie Raeder
“The classes have really changed how I think about my relationship with myself. I feel more capable of treating myself kindly and that has transformed my relationship with other people.”
"Years ago, I had the experience of trying yoga for the first time. I couldn't believe at the time that it was possible to feel so good. I just started meditating with Kristie and had that experience again. It's like entering a room you know well, and discovering that there has been a window behind one of the walls this whole time. A window with a meadow outside."
"Dahlia is like an usher in a vast darkened theater, with a bright shining torch helping us each find our own way. I know I am still very much at the beginning – of something, not sure what to call it in words – but it doesn't feel as daunting or unreachable anymore."