A sidewalk, a strip of wild green, a brick wall with a faded mural of a person. Stenciled I AM THE COSMOS. By Andrea Moed
We Are Beloved

January Refresher Support Circle

Jan 5, 2024

Beloved friends, 

Happy new year to you! One of the things I love about the long rolling path of the winter holidays is how December slowly melts into a sugary goo of both sacredness and debauch – and then we have this opportunity on the other side for a glorious renewal. I cherish both the indulgence and the reboot, which pair so powerfully. This year I'm inviting you to join me in my personal tradition of the January Refresher with a support circle for your intentions in the new year. 

January Refresher Support Circle
Jan 12 - Feb 10, $225-350
I will offer two components: a one hour 1:1 session with me and a weekly support circle in written form. You will bring whatever intentions you may have for your own life in this time of renewal! Full Details. 


Fun Ones
This is a charming Instagram thread in which someone observed that intentions can be silly and fun, such as Pasta Quest, in which they ate as many different shapes of pasta as possible in the course of the year. The comments are delightful, including things like, "My new years resolution is to finally make a spreadsheet of the song that is playing in my head when I wake up in the morning."

Empathy vs. Compassion
I expect to return many times to this brief, insightful, and educational article exploring the difference between empathy and compassion. I bet you're familiar with the phrase "compassion fatigue" -- but did you know that this has been discovered to be a misnomer, and that this condition is now referred to as empathic distress? The neurology of this and the shape it can take in our own lives as we do our best to live in these times of great tragedy are elucidated here. I'd love to hear from you if you read it so I have the excuse to return to these ideas more myself. Thanks to Kirsten

The Chemistry!
I deeply enjoyed this 40 minute conversation between brilliant actors Natalie Portman and Paul Mescal from the Actors on Acting series. It uplifted my entire understanding of acting as an art devoted to empathy for the experience of being human. The respect, excitement, and chemistry between these people is an incredible experience. Natalie Portman speaks of meditation without calling it that, saying that she was advised by a wise director to spend an hour a day on the couch, just being. 

On Losing A Parent
This autumn, numerous community members endured the death of a parent. In light of this, I thought you might appreciate the tender essay Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door which my sister-in-law Simone Dale wrote about losing her father this year. Her dedication of this piece is, "For anyone who’s ever loved and slowly lost a parent, and for the music-lovers."I AM THE COSMOS
This week's newsletter photo was taken by Andrea Moed. When I reached out for permission to share it, she said that, "possibly some of your readers would also enjoy knowing that the photo was taken in Memphis, because they may know the beautiful song and album I Am the Cosmos by Memphian singer/songwriter Chris Bell, RIP." I enjoy Andrea's drawings and comics on Instagram. 

My Next Offering: Lovingkindness
My next meditation course, will run from Valentine's Day to Beltane, Feb 14 - May 1, 11 weeks. This is significantly longer than prior courses. There will be this one simple topic, on which we will go deep. Accessible for folks new to meditation and those continuing ongoing work with me. Details coming soon. 

In closing

Drop me a line to connect at any time. Free recordings of my guided relaxation, meditation, and energy work are available on beloved.org. You are welcome to share this. If you got this from a friend and wish to receive it weekly, reach out! I'd love to hear from you. Suggestions of anything for inclusion are warmly welcome.